Sunday, September 17, 2006

Rien / Nothing

Qu'y a-t-il de plus jouissif que de s'arrêter de penser? Cesser enfin ce flot débordant d'idées plus ou moins utiles ou plus ou moins importantes. S'arrêter de penser! Comme si on était mort tout en pouvant redevenir vivant. Etre le vide. Retourner aux origines suprêmes. N'être même plus quelqu'un qui ne pense à rien. Etre rien. Voilà une noble ambition.

extrait du livre "Les Fourmis" de Bernard Werber

What is more enjoying than stop thinking? to finally cease all those ideas flowing more or less useful, more or less important. Stop thinking! As if we had died while being capable to become alive again. To be the vacuum. Return to the supreme origins. Not to be someone who doesn't think of nothing. To be nothing. This is a noble ambition.

from the book "the Ants" by Bernard Werber

I was reading this book the past few days, and this passage just moved me... maybe cos i have lot of free time to think these days, and sometimes wondering too much about an issue makes it hard, cos u end up asking too many questions, not knowing the answer, not knowing what to do cos obviously thinking too much leads u to several roads and at the end u don't know which one to choose.

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